Matt Damon not to be James T. Kirk?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 16, 2006 in Star Trek |

It looks like that rumor that Matt Damon was to play a young Captain Kirk may be false:

Exclusive: Matt Damon as James T. Kirk?

“Damon was quick to say he hadn’t heard anything about it. His publicist added that Abrams was joking when he said he would choose Matt to play Kirk and it’s nothing serious. As we followed his publicist into the elevator we got a little more, “I think that it [the rumor] came out of a junket he [Abrams] was doing in Asia for Mission Impossible and from my understanding it was one of those hypothetical questions actors always get about who they’d like to work with and JJ threw Matt’s name out there. But we’ve never heard anything on our end. I even called Endeavor, Matt’s agency, to see if they had heard anything – they hadn’t. There has been nothing from Paramount and I haven’t heard anything from JJ’s camp. I’m sorry there’s nothing more interesting to report”.”

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