Rant: Bring back the Puppets!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 17, 2006 in Animation |

This is a great fanboy rant by “the Mudpiglet” about how CGI has killed off puppets:

On the Ruining of Movies by Computer Generated Graphics

“Ever Toy Story came out movies haven’t been the same. The beautiful craft of puppetry and set making is dead, replaced by the soulless, cartoonish computer graphics that now dominate the industry. “Where my puppets at?” I ask myself in the night, waking from my recurring Pixar nightmare It is a real goddamn shame, too, because big elaborte puppets were probably the coolest thing that has ever happened to the film industry. Who is to blame for their disappearance? Many people, my friend, too many to list. But I will try to do a damn good job of dishing out blame to some important figures that deserve it.”

Gerry Anderson comes to mind when thinking about the “golden age of puppets”:


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