Sign Up for a Mission to Mars

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 12, 2006 in Science |

Well it’s not exactly Mars, but as close as we can get to it on Earth:

Sign Up for a Mission to ‘Mars’

“Next summer, six scientists will get to travel to the desolate permafrost desert of the Arctic, live in a two-level metal can and only go outside wearing 40 pounds of faux spacesuit. Not your idea of fun? For the scientists, it could be. The team will be the first to get a taste of what it will be like to live on Mars for months at a time, and they get to skip the half-year trip to the red planet to boot.

The research station is run by the Mars Society, a group of scientists, engineers and futurists intent on accumulating the knowledge needed for manned exploration of Mars. The goal of the four-month tour is to develop field research techniques applicable for scientific investigations of the planet, said Robert Zubrin, an aeronautical engineer and president of the society.”

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