The Klingon Language Institute

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 25, 2006 in Star Trek |

Because Klingon is the Esperanto of the 21st Century:

The Klingon Language Institute

“Welcome to the Klingon Language Institute. That’s right, Klingon. Those bumpy headed aliens of Star Trek really have their own language, one which has far outgrown mere television and film. That’s what we’re about. We’re here to promote and support this unique and exciting language. So, whether you’ve just stumbled in here by accident, or lost a bet, or have sought long and hard for people who share your passion for the warriors’ tongue, come on in. Our site has information and resources to interest both skeptic and enthusiast alike. Join us in our exploration of the galaxy’s fastest growing language.”

…by the way check out the fonts page!

My favorite Klingons are from the first Star Trek series, their makeup wasn’t as cool but they seemed to have much more fun than the Klingons in the other shows (and didn’t grunt as much):

Kor in TOS: Errand of Mercy

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