Push For Season 5 of Enterprise

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 4, 2006 in Star Trek |

I always rather liked Enterprise, and I wouldn’t mind seeing another season of the show, or at least a special or two. I think Enterprise suffered from “Voyager fatigue” it seemed like they just wanted to run the franchise into the ground. I think once people see the series solo that it may gain some fans:

Push For Season 5 of “Enterprise” Continues With SCi FI Channel

“The folks over at Trek United have never given up on the idea of a season five for Star Trek: Enterprise and now that the show has been picked up for syndication on The SCI FI Channel, the organizers of the Save Enterprise campaign are focussing their attention there for a possible fifth season. In a surprise announcement, one of the leaders of the campaign who goes by the screen name AussieTrek released this call to all members of the Trek United website and to anyone interested in helping with the 5th Season Campaign:

This week, the fans of Star Trek are encouraged to participate in the preparation of the postcard campaign to Sci Fi Channel. The organizers are hoping to persuade the Sci Fi Channel (the new home of syndicated Star Trek: Enterprise reruns), to negotiate with CBS Corporation for the continued production of new episodes of Enterprise. We are asking everyone to choose their favorite ‘slogans’ for use on the postcards to kick off the mailing phase of the resurgent campaign.”

Push For Season 5 of Enterprise

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