Sakusaku Panda Cookies

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 30, 2007 in Hobbies and Collections |

Sakusaku Panda Cookies

What impressed me most about this Kabaya package design (click on the image to see at full size) is the character design of the panda bear which is featured all over the box. I love the primitive joy that the featured character design conveys with a powerful childlike scribble. Sadly the box is a bit too crammed to show off this prized mascot, however the side panel (shown on the far right) is a bit more easy on the eyes. It also always strikes me as odd when we encourage kids (or snack lovers) to save endangered wildlife by eating their chocolate cookie representations.

Upon doing a google search for “Sakusaku Panda” I was also pleasantly surprised to discover I’m not the dweller in Williamsburg Brooklyn who has an interest in Japanese panda cookies:

Panda Face Cookies

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