Let the 3D Backlash Begin…
Walking home last night I came across two posters, one for Ratatouille and the other for Surf’s Up. I have to say that on the merits both films look alright and I’m very much the fanboy when it comes to all things Pixar, however I find myself wanting to ignore these films because they’re “yet another 3D animated flick”.
I don’t blame Pixar in fact I think what pushed me over the edge was the dreck that’s Shrek 3, or perhaps the announcement that there will be a Shrek 4 and a Shrek 5. Things are looking grim for American cinema when Grindhouse bombs but we can churn out some more Shrek. I’d like to see a day in the near future when the 3D backlash begins. I don’t when this will hit a tipping point but I hope it’s sooner than later.
I’m not saying that 3D is bad or will die, but I’d like to see a good old fashioned 2D cartoon epic every now and then. Perhaps that’s the reason why I love anime so much? They use 3D for the spaceships but in the end it’s all about the characters, even if they’re 2D drawings. In fact I love the fact that Bleach makes the animation look like a manga drawing when they draw shadows on someone’s face.
So let the countdown begin…