Save Skylab!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 14, 2007 in Science |


Yes we all know that the real Skylab came crashing to Earth back in 1979 (too late for the Space Shuttle to save it), however a little bit of Skylab history is in danger of being lost. It seems that an organization is trying to save full scale training mockup from being lost to the ravages of neglect:

Why Are We Doing This?

“In 1968 NASA ordered two identical flight qualified space stations (Skylab) built along with 3 full scale training mockups. One flight version, the 1st US Space Station was flown in 1973 and orbited the Earth until 1979; the second flight element is now on display at the National Air and Space Museum. One full scale mockup, used by astronauts and engineers at MSFC during the 3 crewed Skylab missions (73-74) was on display for many years at the US Space and Rocket Center (USRC) located in Huntsville Alabama. Several years ago the Skylab exhibit was moved outside. The original temporary weather coverings have failed and Skylab has suffered the effects of rain, sun, wind, plants, dust/dirt, mold, animals and vandals. Right now the Skylab artifact is nearing a point of no return.

To save Skylab the Alabama/Mississippi section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) started the Skylab Restoration Project (SRP). AIAA is seeking volunteers to help save this unique part the US Space Program.” is collecting funds, so give a hand if you can!

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