Max Headroom Returns

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 1, 2007 in Television |


Shown above is the new old Max Headroom, played by original actor Matt Frewer. The good news is that Max won’t be back as a Hollywood remake:

Channel 4 resurrects Max Headroom

“Channel 4 is to bring back 1980s creation Max Headroom to front a series of TV ads to raise awareness of the digital switchover. The campaign, which breaks this Saturday, features Matt Frewer, the actor who played the original Max Headroom. Ads will feature Headroom criticising Channel 4, which created the stuttering digital host in the 1980s, for ignoring his vision of a digital future.”

…here’s a Terry Wogan interview with Max Headroom:

…and here’s a David Letterman interview:

…and here’s Max in a music video with the Art of Noise:

…and here’s Max selling out for a cola company:

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