Nick’s Nippon Notebook: Black Ice Cream

Posted by Guest Author on Dec 17, 2007 in Hobbies and Collections |


The other day I visited Namjatown. It’s run by Namco, the video game company. It’s a food theme park fit into two mid sized department store floors inside Ikebukuro’s slightly euphemistically named Sunshine City Mall (well it’s indoors and near the former site of a notorious prison). One of it’s three food themed zones is ice cream city.

After passing on a curry flavored frozen dessert I went for the Gelato Nero which I believe was being promoted as the most popular flavor. It’s very black and scooped into a black cone. I was hoping it would be something more original than say chocolate or fudge and I was rewarded. It was very tasty black sesame. It did require a but more clean up with a wet napkin given the dark color.

Nick Kent is a New York based artist who works with electronic media and is an occasional pop culture pundit.

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