New Star Trek Viral Website

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 23, 2008 in Star Trek | - New Star Trek Viral Website

Fascinating! I can slag J.J. Abrams for leaving Shat in the cold, but this viral website for the new film looks quite interesting:

The site shows several video windows featuring various camera angles of the construction of the Enterprise — and when you play with the controls it effects the picture quality. By the wat make sure to hit the reload button because you see different things each time…

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…and if you’re buds with J.J. Abrams please ask him to include Shatner:

Ungreatful Producers! I was flying starships when you were in papmers Mister... (my comment on J.J. Abrams leaving out William Shatner

Poster created via the Parody Motivational Generator.

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