Hanging Out at the C3 Skybase

Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 14, 2008 in Videogames |

Cube3 Opens New C3 Skybase and Star Trek Tribute Lounge with the SFCSLQ.

Shown above is the 3D work of talented interactive media pioneer Larry Rosenthal. Larry has just opened his own 3C Skybase (shown above) and Star Trek Tribute Lounge in Second Life:

Cube3 Opens New C3 Skybase and Star Trek Tribute Lounge with the SFCSLQ

“Second Life, Jan 21, 2008: Cube3 the creators of the Starbase C3 Online World and RPG, has created with the sponsorship of the StarFleet Command Second Life Quadrant Roleplayers ( SFCSLQ) a new multilevel floating outpost at the groups sim at Sovereign. The Outpost , named the C3 Skybase Sovereign is now open and all aliens, avatars , etc, are welcome to attend.

The C3 Skybase Sovereign was built with two levels, both designed for a different purpose. The Top level is a Retro Lounge thats a tribute to the creators, artists, writers, and staff that created the original Star Trek TV show over 40 years ago. The Star Trek (TOS) Tribute Lounge offers rare behind the scenes photos and descriptions from the shows birth in the early 1960’s. Decorating the Lounge, with an OPEN bar, are props and replicas of some of the more unusual aliens and creatures created by the shows original designers in an age before Computers Special EFX. The TOS Tribute Lounge contains many notecards that present a humorous look at the birth of the 40 year TV show and pop phenom. A TV world created that is kept alive today by the roleplaying in SL by the SFCSLQ members and others. With a new “remake” Trek movie due this year, and CBS remastering and removing the FX and work of the original Trek TV shows worker’s, the TOS Tribute Lounge hopes to offer the SFCSLQ members an after hours “educational and fun ” small factual tribute to those who made “their” universe and playground happen.

The Second Floor of the Skybase is an Informational Introduction to the Cube3 created Online Sci Fi World of “Starbase C3.” Created a decade ago it used the internet and 3d immersive VR instead of the television show as its main media to connect with it’s audience. Inworld in Second Life for about a year now, Starbase C3 has grown to offer its own Role Playing worlds and Starships, as well as sports games like PodBall. The Starbase C3 Information Center has many links and slurls to different places within Second Life and the WWW that offer roleplay, entertainment, mini games, galleries, design your own starships tools, and more C3 Worlds and Locations within SL. With a new full sim for Role Play planned, the Starbase C3 Infobase at Sovereign will become the focal point for registration and RPG info.”

…you can find more information after joining the STARBASE C3 Group (free) within Second Life at:


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