Czech Animation Revival

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 27, 2008 in Animation |

It seems there’s a boom in Czech animation going on right now: Above is a clip of Alois Nebel which is based on a graphic novel set in World War II. Variety has a great article on the what’s going on there:

Czech animation undergoing revival
Fresh coin funds new wave of edgy features

“Whether weird, provocative or simply a national calling card, animation Czech-style is undergoing a renaissance, with at least 10 features slated to bow throughout the next year. “Czech filmmakers were always ready to take off in terms of creativity and stories, but were held back by a lack of sufficient funding,” says the center’s Jana Cernikova. But with the Czech Film Fund now granting $18.5 million in support, four times the level from just two years ago, filmmakers are finally free to delve into more expensive genres such as animation.”

Below is a trailer for One Night in One City:

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