Film Version of Tintin Deaddead?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 20, 2008 in Comic Books |


To be fair to Universal I’m never liked the idea of Tintin as a 3D animated film, and even then I’d trust Pixar to get that right but I’m not sure about Spielberg and Peter Jackson:

Studio says no to Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson
Squeezed by rising costs and leveling revenues, Universal Pictures declines to finance ‘Tintin.’

“Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson don’t hear “no” very often. But after they submitted a final budget of $130 million for their 3-D animated movie “Tintin,” based on the Belgian comic strip, to Universal Pictures, the studio balked. The decision has left the two powerful filmmakers scrambling to find another financial partner.

When even Spielberg and “The Lord of the Rings” director Jackson, who have made some of the biggest blockbusters in history, can’t get their movie made, you know something is up in Hollywood. Universal’s refusal to finance “Tintin” underscores how in today’s tough economic climate, bottom-line concerns trump once-inviolable relationships between studios and talent.”

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