One Piece: 4Kids vs. FUNimation

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 17, 2008 in Animation |

The above video is from a One Piece fanboy who edited several sword duels from the aired 4Kids version of the show followed by the DVDs issued by FUNimation. I’d have to say that i agree with the editor that the FUNimation version blows the 4Kids version out of the water. Now granted that the business goals of 4Kids is to recreate their success with Pokemon, but I have to say that FUNimation knows how to stay true to the series. It’s also interesting for me to see a movement within fandom urging fellow fanboys to support FUNimation by buying the DVDs instead of downloading. Here’s where you can find the series on Amazon:

One Piece – Season 1, First Voyage (Uncut)

One Piece

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