Love Saves the Day: Another Heartbreak for a Fanboy

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 5, 2009 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections |

Love Saves The Day: East Village NYC

The joy of New York City is that for a fanboy there are all sorts of unofficial landmarks that become special to you over the years — and as this is a city of change the heartbreak of this is that you realize that nothing can last forever. And over the years I’ve watched some of my favorite landmarks vanish like CBGBs where I spent my New Year’s Eve in 2000. Well sadly it looks like Love Saves the Day will be joining the ranks of lost fanboy destinations as they will be closing their doors in mid-January.

The shop has been in business for 42 years and is a treasure trove of collectable pop culture with an eclectic mix of everything from Beatlemania to Star Wars goodies. The shop survived several moves and rent hikes — but the final blow was when Leslie Herson (the co-partner of Richard Herson) passed away. The business was a husband-wife partnership and poor Richard didn’t have the heart to go on:

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