Dr. Tezuka: He's smiling in this photo, but I don't think he would be pleased with this game.
I could be wrong: Astro Boy may just turn out the be the very best animated film of 2009. But sadly everything I’ve seen makes me think otherwise — and this teaser trailer for the videogame based on the film is the latest example. It just looks like they a sprite of Astro Boy and chucked him into some pre-existing generic 3D game engine. There no charm that one might associate with the cute boy robot of yore, just tons of things that seem to need to be beaten up for no reason at all. I’ll never guess why the estate of Tezuka didn’t insist on creative control, it’s as if the crown anime jewels of Japan have been turned into cheap throw away trinkets. Well with any luck this won’t kill the franchise for more than a decade or so…