Riddle Me This: What Could So Engross a Gorilla?

Posted by Gia Manry on Sep 18, 2010 in Videogames |

Gorilla Playing Nintendo DS

The true story behind this photo may not be what you think.

The actual story: a young boy happened to drop his DSi XL into the gorilla pit at a zoo and a gorilla happened to pick it up while a baby infant happened to watch on and some guy with a camera happened to take a very nice photo.

But, really, just what do you think got that gorilla so focused? What DS game was just released in North America that could possibly suck someone in so thoroughly? I certainly have my theory…and it involves a certain professor!

Gorilla Playing Professor Layton

Unfortunately he was just a day too early to be playing Pokémon Black or White.

Gia Manry is a professional writer specializing in geek culture. She currently writes primarily for Anime News Network, but also likes being followed on Twitter. She can be contacted via her website.

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