That’s One Big Damn Replica

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 4, 2011 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections |

Serenity Studio Replica

At one point, you couldn’t film a space epic without having to use scale models. Studios like Industrial Light and Magic were forced to craft these incredibly detailed models for use in creating some of the most memorable sci-fi films of our time. Fortunately, but the time Joss Whedon’s Firefly came to be, studios were able to rely on CGI, allowing them to fore go the trouble of crafting these models by hand.

Well, it would seem the guys over at Quantum Mechanix have finally built the first ever film-scale replica of Serenity. They claim it’s 100% screen accurate in every respect, so I imagine if you wanted, it could be used to create your own effects shots — that is assuming you have the money to pay for it. 

This 1:180 scale model MSRPs for $2,500 and will be limited to a 1,000 pieces. I’ve seen it listed for $2,400 at select retailers, but that doesn’t seem much more affordable if you ask me. It also comes complete with functioning lights, visible crew members, and more — pretty much everything you could ever need. So, assuming you have the cash, head over to the Big Bad Toy Store  or Entertainment Earth and snag yours today.

Serenity Big Damn Studio Replica

Tim is a pro-blogger and freelance writer out of San Diego, California. In addition to, he contributes to the ModernMethod Network of sites as the Features and Reviews Editor for the Japanese culture and entertainment blog, Japanator. He’s also an Assocaite Editor for their popular gaming blog, Destructoid, and the collectible toy culture blog, Tomopop. For more information, follow him on twitter, or check out

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