Five Retro Comics Guaranteed to Cause Obesity

Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 24, 2011 in Comic Books |

Bazooka the Atom Bubble Boy in Ranger Rescue

Today everyone is worried about childhood obesity, but let me take you back to a simpler time when parents biggest worry was the violence in junior’s comic book collection. Back during this pre-fast food era the idea of pitching candy and cola to kids didn’t seem that objectionable, and result was an ongoing parade of charming cartoon characters like Bazooka the Atom Bubble Boy, Captain Tootsie and the charming Popsicle Twins. Although from a modern point of view these hooky one pagers are so bad that they’re good — and don’t forget that if you save your wrappers you can trade them in for all sorts of cool prizes:

Captain Tootsie Saves the School Party

Meet a Bit-o-Honey - Bit-o-Honey Races to the Rescue

RC Cola Comic Book Ad: Adventures of R.C. and Quickie

The Popsicle Twins Out West

Found via and John Paul Cassidy.

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