Alien: Isolation Is A New Survival Horror Game Based On Alien
The most recent game based on Alien/Aliens was 2013’s Aliens: Colonial Marines, one of the worst games of the year that failed to live up to any of the apparently-false advertising and press demos. Everyone’s rightfully wary of any future games in the franchise, but let’s give Creative Assembly (known for Total War) a shot. They’re making Alien: Isolation, a survival horror game about Amanda Ripley — the daughter mentioned as having died of old age at the beginning of Aliens — exploring a space station to find info on Ellen Ripley and the Nostromo. Instead of hundreds of xenomorph enemies that are treated like cannon fodder, there’s only one, nine-foot-tall, formidable xenomorph that hunts Amanda throughout the game; they’re clearly aiming more for the horror of Alien than the action of Aliens with this game.
It sounds cool, and it helps that Colonial Marines‘ Gearbox Software is not involved at all. I think we’re right to be skeptical, but hopefully this one turns out better. It helps that the concept of an unbeatable enemy stalking the player is a great one, only really having been done in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and Metroid Fusion, and it was only really scary in the latter, as far as I’m concerned. Alien: Isolation will release in late 2014 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
Source: Destructoid