New SOMA Teaser Trailer Reveals Setting Is Closer Than You Might Think

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 4, 2014 in Videogames |


Frictional Games, the team behind the beloved and frightening horror game Amnesia, have been hard at work on their next title, SOMA. It’s still not coming out until 2015, but they’ve already been teasing the project through various live-action videos and ARG-esque websites. The design of the levels reminded many people of the crashed alien spaceship from Alien, and the AI or computer featured in some videos gave off a Lovecraftian vibe. Still, we barely know anything about it, but there was one thing many people assumed based on trailers so far: that it was set in space. Well, this latest trailer spoils the setting, and it’s a bit closer than that. If you want to find out, hit the jump and watch!

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