Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 30, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Here’s your first straight-up press shot of Batman from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It wasn’t supposed to get out this soon, but hey, this is the internet, and these sorts of things happen. It’s actually the same shot from the IMAX posters, but without the face obscured and cropped slightly less. It’s kind of a weird shot because Batman just has his arms… hanging out there. Almost like he’s trying to strike a cool “tough guy” pose but didn’t know where to put his arms. As goofy as it looks, I do like this gruffer, stubblier, and less-pointy-ears Batman. He looks like could take a punch or two from Superman! Read more…
Tags: Batman, Batman v. Superman
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 21, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books, Fandom

Despite knowing that I probably won’t like Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice because of the overly dark direction they’re taking it, I was surprised that I enjoyed the teaser trailer as much as I did. It’s not what I want, but for what Zack Snyder is making, the trailer seems pretty cool. (Maybe it appeals to my inner teen, I dunno.) But what if that trailer was too dark for you? Did you want something lighter, more optimistic, even more campy? YouTube user Bobby Burns has recut the trailer with footage from Christopher Reeve’s Superman movies and Adam West’s live-action Batman TV series. No matter how gritty the dialogue gets, it’s undercut by, say, Batman running around with a cartoon bomb. I’m just going to assume this will happen for every future trailer as well. Read more…
Tags: Adam West, Batman v. Superman, Christopher Reeve
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 19, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

There’s a good chance you’ve already seen this, given that this teaser leaked earlier. It didn’t make as big of a splash as say, um, The Force Awakens trailer, but it definitely got people excited because we got a closer look at Ben Affleck’s Batman. So, hey, here it is again but not blurry, dark, and shakey! Setting aside the leak, the overall reaction in the geek community seems to be a bit negative… but that could be because of the pedigree here. Man of Steel wasn’t exactly well-loved by Superman fans. Still, I hope that Zack Snyder’s skills are improving and he’s made films that I’ve enjoyed in the past (even if they weren’t perfect per se). “Do you bleed?” Read more…
Tags: Batman v. Superman, Zack Snyder
Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 26, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Jesse Eisenberg seems like a strange choice to play Lex Luthor in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, but I could see it working. I can see it even more after Entertainment Weekly released this image showing how he’ll look in the movie. Yep, he’s bald, but it’s his eyes that grab my attention the most. It’s very intense, and I could see that working in the movie, provided he puts on some muscle. He doesn’t need to be a muscleman, but he could stand to bulk-up a bit. Read more…
Tags: Batman v. Superman
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 21, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Jason Momoa and Zack Snyder promised that Aquaman in the upcoming Batman v Superman film would be “badass,” a term that not many non-comic fans would associate with the character. However, given that they cast Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and going by this first image of his costume, I have to say: he does look pretty badass. When they announced Momoa as the actor to play him, I definitely pictured a more Khal Drogo-esque Aquaman, and this fits the bill. It remains to be seen how much of a part he’ll play in the film, but hopefully Aquaman will be handled well and become a fan favorite. Read more…
Tags: Aquaman, Batman v. Superman
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 11, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

DC and WB are trying to keep the Batmobile that will appear in Batman v. Superman under wraps. But the thing about shooting out in public is that leaks are going to happen. Some shots have surfaced, as collected on /Film, and while they’re currently unverified, it’s hard to imagine what else this would be from. It seems that the Batmobile has fins that raise up, allowing the driver to enter. It looks like an interesting fusion of the Tumbler from The Dark Knight trilogy and the more stylized, older designs (but in a different way than the similar fusion Batmobile appearing in Batman: Arkham Knight). Check out some more designs below for what we’ll likely be seeing in 2016. Read more…
Tags: Batman v. Superman, Batmobile
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 9, 2014 in Cinema

In a radio show on CBS Detroit, Zack Snyder took some time to defend Aquaman. By calling in. Yes, according to SlashFilm, this is really Snyder and not some impostor calling into the radio show. He doesn’t confirm Aquaman in in Batman v Superman (“Anyway, not to say he’s in my movie or anything like that […]”), but it’s the worst-kept secret in the industry right now. He goes on to say, “The cool thing with Aquaman is he’s Triton so you have to realize that could cut the flesh of Superman if they came in contact. That’s a thing that’s in the canon.” I believe you, dude! I mean, you have Jason Momoa playing him, so by default he’s already the best Aquaman yet. The full quote is below or listen to the call here.
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Tags: Aquaman, Batman v. Superman, Zack Snyder
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 8, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Warner Bros. saw that massive list of Marvel films and said, “Hey! We can totally do that too! Yeah!” and released a bunch of dates for their upcoming slate of DC Comics films. Yes, they have announced nine new films and dates, but no titles. It’s kind of close to Nikki Finke’s supposed leaked list from a few months earlier, but with a few more items. Also of note, Warner moved up Batman v Superman from May 6 to… March 25, 2016! Yes, they moved it up to an unusual March date to avoid directly competing with Captain America 3. Crazy! Check out all the unknown film dates below! Read more…
Tags: Batman v. Superman, DC Comics, Warner Brothers
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 25, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Are you ready for a grungy, stubbly Batman? With SDCC in full swing, it’s time to promote everything! A new photograph was tweeted out by set photographer Clay Enos of Ben Affleck in the new Batman outfit, looking as gruff and grim as ever — complete with pronounced, dimpled chin! The costume’s cowl and cape is also on display at SDCC, so check below the break for some images of that too! Overall it seems like people seem to like that costume, but the jury is still out on the person wearing it. We’ll see, eh? Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is coming May 6th, 2016… that’s a long ways away! Read more…
Tags: Batman v. Superman, San Diego Comic-Con 2014
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 4, 2014 in Cinema

Zack Snyder and the crew at Warner Bros. have sent out the first promotional image of Henry Cavill as Superman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice — and guess what? He looks like Superman. In fact, I don’t think they changed anything about it at all, which is perhaps a first (usually there’s a change at least for action figure purposes). Snyder also spoke about Superman’s perspective, saying he’s enjoying “the fun of trying to figure out what to put in front of him that’s difficult.” He also said the reason they used “v” instead of “vs” is because they wanted “to keep it from being a straight ‘versus’ movie, even in the most subtle way.” Good luck, dude! Read more…
Tags: Batman v. Superman, Superman, Zack Snyder
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 15, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

It’s official, folks, after months of rumors and frequent denials by Jason Momoa, HitFix has confirmed that he’ll be playing Aquaman in the upcoming Batman v. Superman film. Momoa even recently complained about everyone bothering him as to whether he’d play the watery hero, but it seems he’s just sworn to secrecy by Warner Bros. and DC. It looks like all that destruction by Superman in Man of Steel will be a springboard for the story, as HitFix claims that both Batman and Aquaman will be pissed about the damage done. Aquaman still won’t have a huge part, but they’re definitely setting him up for the eventual Justice League film. Plus, at the very least, this is going to be the most badass incarnation of Aquaman yet! I think a Khal Drogo-style Aquaman would be very entertaining. Read more…
Tags: Aquaman, Batman v. Superman
Posted by Bob Muir on May 22, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Remember how ridiculous it was that we still didn’t know the name of Batman vs. Superman, the sequel to Man of Steel? WB has finally confirmed the name, and it’s not that great. Yes, the film will be called Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. I kind of figured that they’d keep the temporary title in some form, but changed “vs.” to “v.” makes it sound like a court case instead of a confrontation. And while I know that the subtitle is supposed to be a reference to the Justice League sequel that will come next, “Dawn of Justice” just sounds like the empty, hollow kind of subtitle that means nothing. Why not something classy, like “World’s Finest”? Or if you want to set up Justice League, why not “Mere Set-up for a Bigger Movie”? It’ll be just like Iron Man 2! Read more…
Tags: Batman v. Superman, DC Comics, Warner Brothers