Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 30, 2012 in

You may have caught the news from Comic-Con that VIZ Media’s catalog (via their new app Neon Alley) and the Crunchyroll app would be debuting on the Playstation 3 this fall. Great news for anime fans who want to watch their latest streaming shows on their HDTV, but that’s not what I wanted to bring up. IGN recently took a look at Crunchyroll’s app, and while the app seems to have all the necessary features, it lacks in one prominent area: it can only play video in 480p. Hopefully this will change before release! Read more…
Tags: Crunchy Roll, PlayStation 3
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 23, 2011 in
Comic Books

This is kind of exciting news for manga fans. CrunchyRoll is readying a closed beta for their upcoming online manga distribution platform, and are currently accepting applications from North Americans readers interested in testing it out. They haven’t released too many details about the new service, but have stated that they’ve been working closely with their partners in Japan in order to facilitate their selection of content. They’re hoping to use your feedback to improve the site before its official launch later this year. Like CrunchyRoll, I imagine it will be in the form of a subscription based premium service. To sign up for a chance to take part in the closed beta, simply click here and fill out their form. If you’re picked for the beta, they’ll be notifying you the first week of July.
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Tags: Crunchy Roll, manga