Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 18, 2014 in

This was some nice news to see this morning: Octodad: Dadliest Catch will be releasing on Steam, GOG, and Humble on January 30th! The popular indie game features an octopus who’s doing his best to fit in. He might be an octopus, but he’s still got a family, a job, and he’s got to make sure no one realizes that he’s an ocean creature! The trailer shows off a lot of goofy fun – most of the entertainment comes from trying to do basic tasks and your tentacles getting in the way, flopping around – but the second half threw me for a loop. Is Octodad going to make me cry, too? Check out the trailer below. Read more…
Tags: Indie Games, Octodad
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 16, 2013 in

This sweet little indie game was featured in Sony’s E3 press conference last week, but I want to make sure it didn’t get passed over! Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a sequel to the indie hit Octodad, in which you play as a wonderful loving father and husband living in suburbia… who happens to be an octopus. And no one has noticed. Yet. So your task is simple: control Octodad as he maintains the illusions, and struggle to do the simplest of tasks. It’s a virtual slapstick comedy, and it’s looking fantastic. It’s arriving on PC and PS4 in late 2013 or early 2014. Check out the trailer below! Read more…
Tags: Octodad, PS4, Steam