Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 23, 2015 in
Star Trek

In a curious turn of events, it appears that one of the actors in Star Trek will help write the next installment. Simon Pegg has been signed on to co-write Star Trek 3 along with Doug Jung. The third installment in the Star Trek series has had some minor issues as it searched for a director and a solid script. Now with Justin Lin on board and an upgraded scripting crew, perhaps now the film will really get rolling. Pegg is obviously talented a writing, having helped Edgar Wright script all three of the Cornetto trilogy films. Will this turn the film into Star Trek 3: Scotty’s Adventure? Read more…
Tags: Simon Pegg
Posted by Bob Muir on May 9, 2013 in

The World’s End is out on August 23 in the US, and it’s looking good, if this hot new trailer is anything to go by! This is the third and final film in Edgar Wright’s loosely-related “Three Flavors Cornetto trilogy,” featuring actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. This movie starts out with old friend’s trying an epic pub crawl again, but soon turns into something out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Judging by the quality of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, this will definitely be one to watch this summer! Read more…
Tags: Simon Pegg
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 11, 2012 in
This is probably the best thing we’ll see all weekend: watch this new Funny of Die short featuring Sir Patrick Stewart as Ticket-Tooth Phillip, the best ticket scalper to ever walk the streets of London, along with his assistant Maisie Williams (aka Arya Stark). It’s incredibly hilarious, especially to see who they encounter along the way – mainly, Simon Pegg and Ryan Lochte. I won’t spoil any of the jokes, but I do love that these actors and athletes get in on little films like this. It’s a nice diversion! Now, can someone please get Sir Patrick Stewart in Game of Thrones? Thanks.
Tags: Funny or Die, Simon Pegg, Sir Patrick Stewart