Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 11, 2014 in

Phoenix Wright and crew will be returning to the Nintendo 3DS this winter. We had heard about the updated trilogy a while ago, which will include the first three games in the Ace Attorney series, remastered with updated visuals; but now we’ve got a release date: December 9th in the US and December 11th in Europe. In case you’re wondering, this also includes the bonus case that was added to the first game. The trilogy will be available exclusively on the eShop, which seems to be Capcom’s favorite way to release the Ace Attorney games these days. It’ll run you $29.99, and if you haven’t played them yet, this is a great way to experience these three classic games. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 19, 2014 in

We’re getting a fresh look at Dai Gyakuten Saiban — the next game from Shu Takumi. You probably know the series as Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright here in the US. This new game was announced several months ago, and will feature a new protagonist in the Meiji era of Japan, and then he’ll travel to London for the majority of the story. Why London, you ask? Because Sherlock Holmes and Watson are part of this game, too! It definitely looks to combine many of Takumi’s favorite things into a fresh spin on the Ace Attorney series. Plus, the music sounds amazing. Check out the trailer below (turn on annotations for subtitles). Read more…
Tags: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 10, 2014 in

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies was one of my favorite games last year. It combined great characters with an engaging story that keeps you hooked, trying to figure out the true culprit in each murder mystery. Now, it’ll have an even wider audience! The game has already come out on iOS in Japan, but Capcom has now confirmed that the iOS version will see a release in the US as well – in gorgeous HD. Huzzah! WE’re also getting the Ace Attorney Trilogy HD release on the 3DS this fall, so it’s a good time to jump into the series if you’ve never played it before! Read more…
Tags: Ace Attorney, iOS, Phoenix Wright
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 24, 2014 in

Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata had previously said that the next Ace Attorney game would be totally different, and now we know why: it’s set in Japan’s Meiji era (1868-1912). The main character is no longer Phoenix Wright, but his ancestor, who has a new sidekick as well. The game is for 3DS, so hopefully Capcom will still bring this over. (I’m nervous ever since they declined to localize Ace Attorney Investigations 2.) I just wonder how they’re going to localize the game now that it’s very clearly, unavoidably set in Japan. You can’t just say that sushi are hamburgers now. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Ace Attorney, Capcom, Phoenix Wright
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 24, 2014 in

Looks like you’ll get a chance to buy the Ace Attorney trilogy all over again! The first three games in the series were originally released on the GBA, then ported to the DS, then released on iOS, and THEN released on iOS in HD. There was also a Wii port somewhere in there too! But if you own none of those systems and want to get in on the Ace Attorney series (or just want to own it again) Capcom has announced that the Ace Attorney 123: Wright Collection will be coming out on 3DS in Japan in April. This appears to use the updated HD visuals from the latest iOS release, but scaled down for the 3DS screen, which makes them look a bit nicer. Check out the Japanese trailer below. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Ace Attorney
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 8, 2013 in

For a while there, I thought it was entirely possible that Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney would not be released outside of Japan. Sure, Level-5 often takes an unusually long time to announce Western releases for their Layton games, but with so many other niche games not leaving Japan, you can’t blame me for being nervous. It didn’t help that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies is only getting a digital release, and Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2 never got translated at all. But lo and behold, during the latest Nintendo Direct, they finally confirmed that the US (and it turns out also Europe) will be getting this crossover game in 2014. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Ace Attorney, Capcom, Level-5, Nintendo Direct, Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 14, 2013 in

Ace Attorney 5 has been in my vision for a while, mainly due to the fact that I’m a diehard fan of the series, but also due to seeing how well it can make the jump to 3D. Sure, the return of Phoenix Wright is expected, and he’s got a new young female sidekick, but I love the direction they’re taking Apollo Justice, making him the bandaged renegade, rising from the ashes. Hopefully it’s not too much of a turn of character. Anyway, Capcom recently updated their official site for AA5, but accidentally left the release date on it: July 25th. Read more…
Tags: Ace Attorney, Capcom
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 21, 2012 in

I’ve been loving all the new Ace Attorney news lately, as I am a huge Phoenix Wright fan. So I was particularly interested in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, a game announced last year that crosses two of the most popular Nintendo DS/3DS franchises into one story. At TGS this year, Level 5 and Capcom showed off a new trailer for the game, and suffice to say, it looks great. While the trailer is all in Japanese, you can catch a subbed version here if you’re curious. The game comes out November 29th in Japan. Chances are high it will be localized, but nothing solid yet. Level 5, I’m counting on you! Read more…
Tags: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 20, 2012 in

It was good to hear that Capcom was making Ace Attorney 5 for 3DS, considering the series felt like it was dying in the US. But I wasn’t quite sold on the fact that the game was moving from sprites to 3D graphics, despite the 3DS’s improved graphical capabilities over the DS. I worried that the charm and personality of Phoenix Wright and friends would be lost. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Ace Attorney, Capcom
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 5, 2012 in

It’s been a while since the last official numbered sequel to Capcom’s courtroom drama game, Ace Attorney. Though the third game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, was released on DS in 2007, it was originally released only in Japan on GBA in 2004. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney hit America in 2008, and since then, there have been some additional rereleases and two spin-offs that served as interquels. Now, the time has come for the next Ace Attorney game, or Gyakuten Saiban 5 in Japan. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Ace Attorney, Capcom
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 20, 2012 in

An official Japanese street date has been announced for the home video release of the Ace Attorney live-action film. From all of the trailers I’ve seen, the film looked pretty amazing, having accurately depicted the events as they occurred throughout the game, from the over-the-top costumes and special effects, to the ridiculous dialog and plot twists. Set for release on August 22nd, both the Blu-ray and DVD release will feature the full 135 minute film, audio commentary with both directors of the game and film. They’ve also included a bonus disc with promotional and behind-the-scenes footage. Unfortunately there probably won’t be any English subtitles on the discs, but at least you expect to see a version of the film fan-subbed within a month or two of the release, as that’s usually the case with films like this. Just do yourself a favor and buy a copy anyway. Read more…
Tags: Ace Attorney, Japan
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Feb 8, 2012 in
Following last month’s announcement of the latest installment in Capcom’s Ace Attorney series, and the release of Ghost Trick for Apple’s iOS, Japanese fans were pleasantly surprised to hear that the first three titles from the series would also be released in HD. While Capcom USA hasn’t made any announcements regarding the localization of either Ace Attorney 5, or the HD iOS collection, some recently posted screenshots show just how beautiful the games can look in high definition.
Read more…
Tags: Ace Attorney, Capcom, iOS