Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 7, 2015 in

The Hearthstone train never stops! The next large update for the game will feature the Blackrock Mountain adventure, a new campaign made up of five wings, with one being released each week over five weeks. The adventure will have 17 bosses total, 31 new cards, and other items like a new game board and pre-order exclusive card backs. The adventure begins in April for 700 gold per wing, or $6.99 per wing. You can also pick up the whole package for $24.99. It’ll be available on PC, Android tablets, and iPad, but Blizzard also showed off a phone build of the game, and promised that the Android and iPhone version would arrive in the “next couple of months.” Read more…
Tags: Blizzard, hearthstone
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 7, 2015 in

At PAX East Blizzard is bringing the big guns — some especially big guns, actually. Two new characters have been revealed for Overwatch, Blizzard’s hero-based first person shooter. McRee is your deadly gunslinger archetype, with both short range and sniping attacks. Plus, he wears a belt buckle that says “BAMF” on it. On the other hand, Zarya is a weightlifter who abandoned her championship dreams to fight for freedom — and she looks awesome. With her Russian accent, she reminds me of another heavy-class character in some other game… Check out the two new gameplay videos below, then get ready for a beta this fall! Read more…
Tags: Blizzard, Overwatch
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 10, 2014 in

Duncan Jones, who made the fantastic sci-fi film Moon, is making a Warcraft movie. You may have heard about this! At Blizzcon, Jones debuted some early imagery for fans, such as the first posters for the film, images of the actors, and costumes used in filming. They’re currently deep into post-production on the film, mostly doing CGI. In fact, the film doesn’t come out till March 11th, 2016, so it’s still quite a ways off. Still, it looks like Jones has a huge love for the world and wants to do it right. Check out the posters (featuring both the Horde and Alliance weapons) and the costumes below. Read more…
Tags: Blizzard, Duncan Jones, Warcraft
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 9, 2014 in

Blizzcon is going on as of this writing, which means there’s tons of news from Blizzard about all their upcoming games and projects. The biggest announcement from Blizzard was of their new game, Overwatch. It’s a cartoony team-based multiplayer shooter with lots of characters to play as. A few elements remind me of a certain other team game with fortresses, but this is pretty unique in its own regard. I love the variety in character design, especially. Blizzard has unleashed a bunch of gameplay videos that you can see here. The lead gameplay trailer is below, along with the CGI announcement trailer, which is mighty impressive and feels like something out of a Dreamworks movie. Check it out! Read more…
Tags: Blizzard, Overwatch
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 24, 2014 in

Those expecting the successor to Blizzard’s World of Warcraft to release anytime soon should probably stop waiting. Though it was never officially announced to begin with (despite numerous confirmations of its development), Blizzard’s next MMORPG, codenamed Titan, has been canceled. Blizzard co-founder and CEO Mike Morhaime spoke on the project, noting that after creating the gold standard MMO with WoW, Blizzard thought it knew MMOs well enough to try to create “the most ambitious thing you could possibly imagine.” But after things didn’t gel, the developer questioned whether they were even passionate about the project, not finding the game fun enough. That’s when Titan entered a reevaluation period. Read more…
Tags: Blizzard, MMORPG, World of Warcraft
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 27, 2013 in

While some may question some of their business practices now that they’re under the shadow of Activision, one thing is for sure: Blizzard still knows how to make some damn-fine cutscenes. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm is out in only two weeks, on March 12, and Blizzard has a fancy cinematic trailer to get everyone pumped about the continuing story. Sure, there’s no gameplay, but look how cool it is!
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Tags: Blizzard, StarCraft 2
Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 14, 2012 in

Has it really been over two years since StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty came out? I’ll be honest, despite my interest, I haven’t even had a chance to play it yet. So I feel really behind now that Blizzard has actually given out a release date for their upcoming expansion, StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. It’s too soon for a gamer like me who is constantly behind, but for those who have been playing since Wings of Liberty‘s release. Read more…
Tags: Blizzard, StarCraft 2
Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 8, 2012 in

Okay, so Diablo III might not have set the world on fire when it came out earlier this year. The game certainly sold well enough, but between simplified skill trees, a completely unnecessary always-online requirement, and numerous other issues, Blizzard’s highly anticipated follow-up didn’t capture gamers’ hearts. With competition like Torchlight II and the availability of Diablo II, it’s questionable whether gamers will still be playing what many think is a short-lived game years from now. Maybe some additional content would fix that? Read more…
Tags: Activision, Blizzard, Diablo 3