Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 21, 2008 in
Comic Books

I’m keeping my fingers crossed, but I don’t have high hopes for The Spirit. Don’t get me wrong from what I’ve seen of the film looks fantastic (so it’s not a lack of budget), but it looks like the movie won’t be true to the spirit of the comic book that Will Eisner created. Eisner’s characters would be very much at home on the set of a film noir movie, but his stories aren’t about action heroes but about regular folks (so to speak).
Instead of a ham fisted approach to the movie I would have preferred that a team Coen Brothers tackle a film like this instead of trying to make the property into something that it’s not. Also at the risk of sounding like a whiney fanboy — you’ll notice the one thing that’s missing from that poster is Will Eisner’s name in big letters. Yeah I know that’s not “part of the marketing”, but it tells me that there’s a lack of respect for the story.
Poster found via
Tags: Film Poster, The Spirit, Will Eisner