Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 8, 2012 in
Comic Books

Sadly, it’s true: the massive and awesome-looking Phase One boxset featuring all the Marvel films so far (including the Avengers) that was set to come out September 25th is now delayed. Why? Apparently, Rimowa GmbH, a German luggage company is suing Marvel for using a design of theirs. Apparently, while Marvel and Disney licensed the use of suitcase design in the film, they didn’t get rights to making a plastic case for the Phase One boxset. Thus, they’re back to square one, and will redesign the case. So if you had Phase One on pre-order – don’t worry – you’ll get it eventually. Just not September 25th. And not in that sweet packaging. I’m sure we’ll end up with a similar-yet-very-different suitcase in the end, it’s just a shame we have to wait. Read more…
Tags: avengers, Marvel
Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 27, 2011 in
Comic Books

Marvel is just about to wrap up filming for The Avengers, so that means that soon we’ll be in the middle of an advertising blitz that can only accompany the biggest blockbuster in recent memory. Teasers, stills, TV spots. And, of course, tie-ins! In this case, we’re talking about a comic that sheds some more light on the Avengers team members, for which Disney and Marvel released this promotional image of the team (mostly) assembled. Maria Hill and Agent Coulson unfortunately don’t make an appearance here, but we do get a pretty good look at the Hulk, minus the strangely bushy eyebrows that plagued his Comic-Com poster appearance. Is it just me, or does Black Widow look really surprised to be in this shot? Read more…
Tags: avengers
Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 4, 2011 in
Comic Books

Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury is sort of the glue that holds the Marvel film universe together, having cameoed in pretty much every Avengers-universe film so far. According to the man himself, he’ll also have post-credits cameos in the Thor and Captain America movies too. But he also confirmed, via the Jimmy Fallon Show, that he’ll have a new “sidekick” in The Avengers, and a female one at that. The Hollywood Reporter, er, reports that a handful of actresses are already in consideration for the role, including Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Cobie Smulders, and Morena Baccarin. If the character is either Maria Hill or Janet Van Dyne (aka Wasp, one of the original Avengers) and Baccarin’s schedule is clear, then it’s almost guaranteed that she’ll get the role, given her long history with Avengers director Joss Whedon (and her resemblance to both of the characters). But anything can happen! One thing’s for sure — it’ll be nice to see a female hero amidst the male-dominated Avengers team, even if the role is small at first. Read more…
Tags: avengers, captain america, Nick Fury, The Avengers, thor
Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 12, 2010 in
Comic Books

I’m a journalism major, not a design major, but I have to say that the logos for the upcoming film adaptations of Marvel comics’ Thor and Captain America are…less than thrilling. And I mean that in the literal sense. They’re pretty boring. Let’s have a look-see.
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Tags: avengers, captain america, Iron Man, thor