Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 17, 2014 in

When Grand Theft Auto V launched in 2013, the heists in the main game were praised as one of the best aspects of the game. However, they weren’t present in Grand Theft Auto Online, the multiplayer mode. The game has been rereleased on PS4 and Xbox One, but the heists still aren’t in. But they’re coming! And despite the long delays — reportedly due to how implementing them in a fun, online way was much more complex than expected — Rockstar is clearly poking fun at themselves and their fans at the start of this trailer. Maybe it’ll all be worth it when they finally arrive as a free update for all versions of the game in early 2015. Read more…
Tags: Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar
Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 5, 2014 in

Despite being associated with violent first-person shooters thanks to media attention, the Grand Theft Auto series hasn’t actually had a first-person option. But that changes with the upcoming release of Grand Theft Auto V on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Perhaps to help add value to what is mostly a graphical upgrade — GTAV was already released on PS3 and Xbox 360 last fall — this new version has a first-person mode, as well as various other minor changes, mostly to Grand Theft Auto Online. It’s certainly more immersive, but seeing as the game wasn’t originally designed with this in mind, I wouldn’t be surprised if it works better in certain scenarios, while others feel a bit looser. But hey, it’s a good option to have for those who want to try it. You can check it out for yourself on November 18, while PC gamers have to wait until January. Read more…
Tags: Grand Theft Auto, PS4, Rockstar, Xbox One
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 25, 2013 in

Living in Los Angeles, I can attest to the fact that we barely get any sort of bad weather, much less snow. But Grand Theft Auto V‘s similar setting, Los Santos, is getting a winter make-over, along with various holiday treats. If you’re reading this on Christmas Day, you can hop into Grand Theft Auto Online and see the snow, which will also affect driving conditions. There are now special holiday items to buy such as Santa hats, snowman masks, and elf jackets, but they’re only available until January 5. There are new filters to use on your camera as you take selfies, as well as other additions like facial expressions, depth of field, and the ability to add text for easy meme pictures. And finally, some items like weapons and vehicles are up to 50% off, if you need to buy a gift for your online character or a friend. Read more…
Tags: Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 31, 2012 in

We knew it was coming, but now we’ve got a clearer idea of when: Grand Theft Auto V is coming as soon as Spring 2013. Rockstar North announced on their blog that the highly anticipated game would release for PS3 and Xbox 360. The company made no mention of a PC version, but PC versions of previous games in the series have typically released after the console versions. Read more…
Tags: Grand Theft Auto, PS3, Rockstar, Xbox 360
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 24, 2011 in

Like many of you, I’ve spent the last week glued to my copy of Rockstar’s latest thriller, L.A. Noire. As you may already know, the title’s inspired by film noir — a genre defined by its hardboiled action, dark narratives and unique visuals often associated with the ’40s and ’50s. The game itself borrows heavily from the novels of James Ellroy and films like Chinatown, and The Big Sleep. If you’ve been enjoying the game so far and want some supplemental material to watch, look no further.
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Tags: Rockstar, Videogames