Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 6, 2015 in Videogames

I know everyone has been waiting with baited breath for any new details about Atlus’ upcoming Persona 5 — and with good reason. It looks incredibly stylish, slick, and well-designed. This new trailer shows off the first gameplay we’ve seen of the game, along with some animated cutscenes and footage of some impressive-looking menus that seem to slide effortlessly between options. There are some great designers over at Atlus! I’ll be honest: I’ve never been able to get into the Persona series before… but this trailer makes me want to. You’ve done your job well, marketing team. I still love that logo too, it all its retro deliciousness. Check out the trailer below and freak out with everyone else. Read more…
Tags: Atlus, Persona 5
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 5, 2015 in Videogames

It’s a little ridiculous that Persona 4 is seemingly so popular that it deserves not only rereleases and two anime series, but its own dancing game. But that’s what happening, and considering Shoji Meguro’s music in Persona is always fun to listen to, a game centered around that music seems natural. Persona 4: Dancing All Night is coming out on Vita sometime this year, and Atlus’s latest trailer is a lyric video for the opening theme. Seeing as fans usually get a lot of the English lyrics wrong when a new Persona theme is revealed due to the Japanese accent, this is not a bad idea, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a little more gameplay. Read more…
Tags: Atlus, Persona 4, Playstation Vita
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 4, 2015 in Videogames

Mortal Kombat X is a game coming out at this specific point in time, so of course, there are going to be four special editions, because that’s just how big games are sold. So which should you pick if you find yourself with excess cash? Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment would probably recommend the Mortal Kombat X Kollector’s Edition by Coarse, which includes a special Scorpion figurine designed by collector statue-maker Coarse, a gold Scorpion skin based on Coarse’s design, and the Kombat Pack (access to four more characters, both old and guest). At $149.99, it’s expensive, but not the most expensive option. Read more…
Tags: Mortal Kombat, Warner Brothers
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 3, 2015 in Television, Videogames

By this point, we as a culture have produced approximately 999,999 variations on the iconic opening to The Simpsons. So what’s one more? This one is by Paul Robertson and Ivan Dixon, who recreated the intro with chunky pixels. You may have seen Paul Robertson’s work in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game and Mercenary Kings; if you have, then you’ll be pleased to see things get very weird during the couch gag. Also of note is the chiptune version of the theme song by Jeremy Dower. Check it out, even if you’re not a Simpsons fan, just for the wonderful art! Read more…
Tags: Pixel Art, The Simpsons
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 2, 2015 in Videogames

I’ll be honest, I haven’t been paying much attention to Apotheon. I briefly caught a glimpse of it a while ago and thought to myself, “oh, that looks like a cool PS4 game” and then proceeded with my day. Now, a launch trailer has shown up, as the game is coming out, uh… tomorrow. February 3rd. In addition, if you’re a Playstation Plus member, you can download the game for free anytime during the month. Free isn’t a bad deal! I love the art style of the game, as any screenshot could easily look like an ancient Greek artwork. Hopefully the gameplay will be as good as the visuals! Check out the trailer below. Read more…
Tags: PlayStation 4
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 30, 2015 in Videogames

Conan O’Brien has done a lot of video game-inspired stuff on his show over the years… he definitely seems to have an appreciation for them. Minecraft is still pretty popular (although perhaps the peak has been reached), so it’s not really surprising that Conan has done an entire bit in Minecraft. Conan claims that they wanted to do an entire episode in Minecraft, but that after an initial approval the “creators” backed down and said no. So rather than a whole episode, they did a this video. It’s not bad… I wonder how many interns they had working on this? Read more…
Tags: Conan, Minecraft
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 29, 2015 in Videogames

Indie developer Renegade Kid must be very busy, working on their 3DS remaster of Dementium: The Ward, the next three episodes of Moon Chronicles (also 3DS), and retro platformer Treasurenauts (on, surprise, 3DS). Add one more project to the queue: Mutant Mudds Super Challenge for Wii U and 3DS. As you might guess from the title, this is intended for players who already beat the first game; this isn’t a direct sequel as much as it’s a “stepping stone” to a future Mutant Mudds 2. The game is coming out at some point in 2015, but with all that Renegade Kid already has on its plate, I foresee Mutant Mudds Super Challenge coming out later in the year. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 29, 2015 in Videogames

Did you ever use Sony’s Music Unlimited service on PlayStation or other devices? It’s okay if you didn’t, not many people did. So it’s not a surprise that Sony is ending the service on March 29, 2015 in all 19 countries it was offered. But don’t worry, people who actually use streaming music on a console: Sony is adding a Spotify app to PS3 and PS4, as well as various Xperia phones and tablets. You’ll be able to stream the music while in a game on PS4, and Sony is promising more exclusive features. And nearly all of those 19 countries that had Music Unlimited will be in the 41 markets that have access to Spotify. Best of all, both free and premium accounts will be able to use Spotify, so if you’re fine with ads, you can add new music to your games for free. Not bad! Could the next step be persuading Spotify to actually pay artists a decent fee for their music? Read more…
Tags: Music, PS3, PS4
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 28, 2015 in Videogames

Capcom’s 2012 fantasy game Dragon’s Dogma was surprisingly enjoyable, so it’s good to hear about a new sequel. Capcom is bringing Dragon’s Dogma Online to PC, PS3, and PS4 sometime in 2015. Players can form groups with up to three friends (which can also be AI pawns) in an online lobby towns (up to 100 people) and fight giant enemies. The story will be a follow-up to Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, with a new storyline, new setting and new characters. The game will be free, but supported by item-based microtransactions, similar to Dragon’s Dogma Quest on Vita. I’d rather just purchase the game outright, but I suppose this is the way a lot of games are going, so as long as the microtransactions aren’t obnoxious, this could be a good sequel. Read more…
Tags: Capcom, Dragon's Dogma, PS3, PS4
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 26, 2015 in Videogames

If you’re looking to replay Homeworld, things just got good: Gearbox has announced the release date for the Homeworld Remastered Collection as February 25th. The package with feature redone versions of the space-themed strategy games Homeworld and Homeworld 2, as well as their original versions. This will also feature access into a multiplayer beta, as the multiplayer aspect is still under construction, apparently due to the difficulty in getting old code updated. You can pre-order the collection now on Steam for a discounted $29.74. On February 25th, it’ll launch and go up to its normal price of $34.99. Check out the trailer below! Read more…
Tags: Gearbox, homeworld
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 25, 2015 in Videogames

The first expansion for Guild Wars 2 has been announced at PAX South and titled Heart of Thorns. While there’s no release date yet, they have listed a bunch of the new features that the expansion will add, such as: a new region (Maguuma Jungle), a new profession (Revenant), guild halls, a new PvP game mode titled Stronghold, and a new WvW map called Borderlands. It appears to be a pretty hefty chunk of new content, especially for hardcore fans of the game. If you want to jump into Guild Wars 2, they’re making it extra easy for you, as right now the game is on sale for $9.99. That’s a pretty nice price, especially with no monthly MMO fees! Check out the Heart of Thorns trailer below. Read more…
Tags: guild wars, MMORPG
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 24, 2015 in Videogames

Some new footage has come out of Pokkén Tournament, Nintendo and Bandai Namco’s Pokémon fighting game. As far as we know, it’s still exclusive to arcades, but I’m still betting on an eventual Wii U release. The new trailer shows off more playable Pokémon, as well as new support characters.They also streamed some matches and it… definitely looks like a fighting game. Pikachu looks a little odd fighting against some of these larger Pokémon with his little punches and kicks — plus that crossed-arms pose at the end gives the impression that Pikachu is hardcore. He’ll mess you up! Check out more videos here and more images here. Read more…
Tags: Pokémon
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 22, 2015 in Videogames

Playing fighting games is great, even if I’m merely competent. But watching the pros at the EVO Championship Series every July is another thing entirely. The back and forth is actually exciting, with massive levels of “hype” to savor. This year’s EVO is being held July 17-19 at the Bally’s/Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, and the main tournaments have been announced. The games are: Ultra Street Fighter IV, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat X, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Tekken 7. I’m sad my personal fave BlazBlue isn’t in there, but it’s understandable when two other Arc System Works games are in there. What’s more annoying is the lack of King of Fighters XIII, easily one of the most exciting tournaments in previous years. I’d rather have that in there than two Smash Bros. tournaments, but I guess Nintendo wanted to show off their newest game while allowing hardcore players to play their tournament classic. Read more…
Tags: Guilty Gear, Mortal Kombat, Persona 4, Street Fighter, Super Smash Bros., Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 21, 2015 in Star Wars, Videogames

Disney isn’t just sitting on the games made by LucasArts as many feared when they bought LucasFilm. They’ve made a deal with GOG.com to sell six old Star Wars games, three of which aren’t available on Steam. Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds are now available to buy, while Star Wars Battlefront II, Star Wars: Dark Forces, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords have been brought from Steam. These follow a few even older Star Wars games being rereleased last fall. And enticingly, GOG is promising another six LucasArts games over the next ten days. Maybe a few non-Star Wars games, please? Read more…
Tags: LucasArts, Star Wars
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 20, 2015 in Fandom, Videogames

I’d say that Konami has gone off the deep end when it comes to most of their games. The company seems horribly mismanaged, and it shows in classic series like Silent Hill that seem to have no direction in mind. But while we haven’t seen much of the next entry Silent Hills, Silent Hill: Alchemilla, a fan-mod of Half-Life 2‘s Source engine, seems more true to Silent Hill than anything Konami has put out recently. It’s in first-person and doesn’t feature combat, instead basing itself on an adventure game template. But it absolutely nails the look and atmosphere of the haunted town. Alchemilla available now for free on PC, with Mac and Linux versions on the way, provided Konami doesn’t C&D the whole thing.
Read more…
Tags: Fan Art, Silent Hill
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 19, 2015 in Videogames

At Nintendo’s last Nintendo Direct, the Japanese Direct snuck in a little downloadable game announcement that went unnoticed by many: Hakoboy! It’s an eShop game by Kirby developer HAL Laboratory, and features a tiny box-like character called… are you ready for this? …Cubey. Essentially, it’s a puzzle-platformer in which Cubey can create blocks from his square body to make bridges, stairs, walls, or just hold down a button. It looks very simple to pick up, but I imagine it’ll get deviously clever very quick. Also: it looks incredibly easy to localize. You better bring this over here, Nintendo of America! Check out the trailer below! Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Nintendo, Nintendo Direct
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 15, 2015 in Videogames

Nintendo held their first Nintendo Direct of the year, announcing their upcoming games for the first half of the year. Sadly, there wasn’t much Wii U news, but that’s because of the 3DS focus, since there is a new piece of hardware. After an annoyingly long wait and well past the holiday shopping season, Nintendo is finally bringing the New 3DS to America after Japan (and strangely Australia) got to enjoy it. The system has improved head-tracking 3D, more power under the hood, a faster OS, Amiibo/NFC support, two more shoulder buttons, and a c-stick (right stick) nub. (An Amiibo adapter is expected for older 3DS models.) Read more…
Tags: Amiibo, New 3DS, Nintendo, Nintendo Direct, Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 14, 2015 in Anime, Cinema, Videogames

The theatrical adaptation of Persona 3 continues with Persona 3 The Movie #3: Falling Down. The anime movie will be released in Japan on April 4, only a few months from now. It’s not yet clear whether there will be a fourth film or if Falling Down is the final film in the series, but judging by this new teaser, we’re getting close to the end. Meanwhile, we’re still waiting on a Western release for the second movie in the series, Midsummer Knight’s Dream. Seeing as it will be out on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan on March 11, I predict a release later this year. Read more…
Tags: Atlus, Persona 3
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 9, 2015 in Videogames

In one of Nintendo’s smartest team-ups in a long time, popular puzzle game Puzzle & Dragons will be mashed up with Nintendo’s mascot in Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Edition for 3DS. This will sell like gangbusters in Japan, as the mobile game (and its handheld console games like Puzzle & Dragons Z) is one of the biggest games out right now. It has already been confirmed for a US and Europe release via the official Puzzle & Dragons Twitter account, so don’t fret, P&D fans! This’ll have much more stuff going on than the free mobile game, but you can check that out for free if you haven’t experience P&D yet. Trailer below, along with the reason Nintendo made this partnership. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Nintendo, Puzzle & Dragons
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 8, 2015 in Videogames

After the repulsive, outdated mess that was Duke Nukem Forever, maybe it’s best that 3D Realms merely rerelease older Duke Nukem games until they, Gearbox, or whoever is making the next game have a good way to adapt Duke for a modern audience. It’s not that Duke Nukem 3D isn’t crude as well, but contextualized within the 90s mindframe and technology, it’s much more digestible. (Well, as digestible as the 90s could be.) With that in mind, check out Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition, which includes an enhanced version of Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, three originally-user-created expansions, and the usual new bells and whistles. It’s out on PC, PS3, and PS Vita, the latter two offering Cross-Buy; if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, you can grab it for free right now! Read more…
Tags: Duke Nukem Forever
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 7, 2015 in Videogames

Continuing its recent tradition of limited edition bundles for certain big releases, Nintendo has announced The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Limited Edition. You’ll get a copy of the game (a 3DS remake of the N64 original) and this Skull Kid figurine, which looks snazzy. Though this sequel to Ocarina of Time (which also saw a 3D remake) still doesn’t have a release date beyond “Spring 2015,” you’d be wise to preorder now. Apparently this also continues the proud tradition of having a really small print run with no prior notice that many other recent Nintendo limited editions have had. Though I managed to preorder a copy, most outlets have already sold out prior to this post going live, partially due to scalpers. There should be a few more available, so keep rechecking or try preordering at an actual GameStop. And whatever you do, do it quick! Read more…
Tags: Legend of Zelda, Nintendo
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 6, 2015 in Videogames

The technology behind PlayStation Now, Sony’s streaming game service, is admittedly cool, provided your internet connection is up to snuff. But while streaming PS3 games (rendered on Sony’s side) to PS4, PS3, Vita, and now TVs is cool, the prices were anything but. A 90-day rental could cost anywhere from $15-50 (often the cost of a full copy or higher), while even $4 for a mere four hours of gameplay seemed unfair, considering how long it takes to play many games. Prices have shifted, but users have begged for a subscription model, which has finally arrived. Starting on January 13 for PS4, you can subscribe for one month ($19.99) or three months ($44.99) at a time. In exchange, you’ll get access to over 100 PS3 games. Read more…
Tags: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Now, Sony
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 1, 2015 in Anime, Videogames

FUNimation already has the rights to Sengoku Basara, an adaptation of a Dynasty Warriors-style game about feudal Japan. So I suppose it just makes sense for them to lock down the rights to a similar anime. Samurai Warriors (Sengoku Musou in Japan) is an adaptation of a Dynasty Warriors spin-off game about feudal Japan. It sounds like a rip-off, but considering that not only Samurai Warriors, but also Dynasty Warriors came before Sengoku Basara, it’s safe from such accusations. The anime starts on January 11, 2015, on the FUNimation Streaming Service. You have to pay a cheap subscription rate, but you can also use a 14-day free trial, even at the end of the series, so you can binge it all in one go. Read more…
Tags: Capcom, FUNImation, samurai
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 29, 2014 in Star Wars, Videogames

As with everything on the internet, if there’s something big, there’ll be parodies of it. This Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser trailer parody places Nintendo characters into a “Smash Wars” video, in which “The Triforce Awakens.” It’s short, it’s sweet, and it does a good job fitting Nintendo characters into the spaces where each Star Wars character would fit. The animation isn’t too shabby either! Their substitute for the new lightsaber design is also very cute. Also: props to the musician who made the background music, as it successfully straddles the line between Nintendo and Star Wars music at the end. Read more…
Tags: Nintendo, Super Smash Bros., The Force Awakens