Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 4, 2015 in Television

If you’re painfully waiting for the new A Song of Ice and Fire book, the Winds of Winter, author George R.R. Martin is here to ease your pain ever so slightly. Martin has taken to often posting a few chapters while he spends much time writing the next book, as a way to placate the masses. And hey, it’s nice to get updates on the story so far. This new excerpt is an “Alayne” chapter, so if you haven’t read all the current books and don’t know who that is, proceed no further! Martin says he has canceled several convention appearances to work on the book in hopes of finishing it… sooner or later. The fifth season of the HBO TV series Game of Thrones begins April 12th. Read more…
Tags: A Song of Ice and Fire, Fantasy, Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 21, 2015 in Videogames

I’ve been surprised by Telltale’s Game of Thrones episodic video game series. The first episode was a little rough in spots and felt too similar to the Stark’s story in the series proper, but in episode 2 suddenly things became much more fleshed out and a few interesting wrinkles were thrown into the plot. I can only hope that the series to continues this upward trend! Telltale has released a few new screenshots from the upcoming episode 3, which is presumably coming soon. They also said that a new trailer for the episode will arrive on Monday, March 23rd. Perhaps we’ll get a release date then! Check out the screenshots below. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, Telltale Games
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 2, 2015 in Television

HBO has released a brand new poster for Game of Thrones season 5, which features a big ol’ dragon on it. Not that surprising! However, the bottom half of the poster (which I’ve placed below the break) features a character encountering the dragon that show fans might not expect (especially if you’re avoiding spoilers). Check it out if you dare! Also included are two new clips, one featuring Jon Snow and the criminally underused Mance Rayder, and another featuring Brienne and Pod reflecting on the failed kings of Westeros. It’s not far away now: season 5 begins April 12th. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, HBO
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 21, 2015 in Television

Season 5 of Game of Thrones is right around the corner (and we’re getting into uncharted territory for several characters). George R.R. Martin even mentioned recently that some characters who are still alive in the books will die in the show. Now book-readers and show-watchers alike can cower in fear of their favorite characters getting offed! With all this stress, I think it’s time to relax a bit with some season 4 bloopers! This was released as a final reward to visitors of the Game of Thrones Exhibition in London, but now everyone can enjoy it online. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 9, 2015 in Television

The DVD and Blu-ray release of Game of Thrones season 4 isn’t far away now (February 17th to be exact), so we’re getting some glimpses of the special features on the disc set. Here are two deleted scenes, one from episode 2, featuring Bronn and Shae, and another from episode 8, with Dany and Missandei. It’s always fun to see what didn’t make the cut to the final product and (sad to say) this time around, you can tell why these scenes were cut. (Unlike season 3, which featured that great cut scene between Tywin and Pycelle.) Still, check them out below! Maybe it’ll get your hype flowing for season 5. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 31, 2015 in Television

You might recall that there was an Imax showing for Game of Thrones season 4, episodes 9 and 10, the other day. There was a season 5 trailer attached to it, and HBO initially didn’t upload to their YouTube channel, leaving fans to do it on their own. Come on, HBO, don’t you want all those sweet, sweet views for your own channel? Anyway, they have now uploaded it in HD to their Facebook page, so you can check it out there clearly. The trailer is fairly lengthy and definitely gives a good picture of where the season is headed, so as usual, watch at your own risk. And if you’re a book reader, beware the powerful urge to complain about all the changes the showrunners are making to the story! Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, HBO
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 20, 2015 in Television

Rumors have swirled about an upcoming Game of Thrones special airing on HBO on February 8. Called “A Day in the Life,” fans speculated about what it could be. Now it’s been revealed that it’s a half-hour documentary about one day of production of season 5. The special is set to highlight “the epic sets, renowned cast and global scale of Thrones, as well as the more intimate and individual challenges of our subjects.” Viewers will see one day of production at three different locations around the globe: Belfast, Northern Ireland; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Sevilla and Osuna; Spain. Besides showing how they pull off such a complex show, it may give hints to the fifth season, which won’t air until April, which is a great reason to watch. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 17, 2015 in Television

Game of Thrones in coming to the big screen… the biggest screen, actually. Starting January 29th, for one week Imax theaters will have several Game of Thrones showings, which will be episodes 9 and 10 of season 4, followed by a new trailer for season 5. These two episodes (“The Watchers on the Wall” and “The Children”) are some of the biggest showpieces for Game of Thrones, and will probably be pretty neat to see on the big screen. Obviously this is really meant for the hardcore fans, and as such they’ll also be giving out two posters at the screenings: one (“The Watchers on the Wall”) at all AMC theaters, and another (“The Children”) at all other theaters. I’ve included the posters below, but be warned: they feature major spoilers! Tickets are on sale now here. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, IMAX
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 29, 2014 in Television

We’re still a ways off from Game of Thrones season 5 (it’ll be coming late March/early April of 2015), but you can never start teasing things too early! The Game of Thrones Twitter account recently tweeted out a short video featuring Arya, along with the hashtag #TheSight. If you visit their new website, ThreeEyedRaven.com, you can sign up to receive “visions of the future” via Twitter’s direct message feature, or text message. I assume this is just a way to get new images and trailers out to fans as quickly as possible, but who knows, maybe they’ll be doing something more interesting with it (and possibly more “in-universe” too). Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 21, 2014 in Videogames

Telltale, the folks behind The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us series, have a new Game of Thrones game coming out “soon.” They won’t say what date yet, but before the end of the year. So, December sometime. This game will follow House Forrester, a family of loyal bannermen to House Stark, from five different perspectives. It’ll feature characters from the show, too, and Telltale has announced that they’ve gotten several of the actors to reprise their roles as well. Peter Dinklage (Tyrion), Lena Heady (Cersei), Natalie Dormer (Margaery), and Iwan Rheon (Ramsay). Not too shabby! It’ll be out on basically all platforms soon. Steam pre-order page here. Check out the very short teaser below! Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, HBO, Telltale Games
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 6, 2014 in Television

Some mild controversy went through the Game of Thrones world yesterday, when Kristian Nairn, the actor for Hodor (and also a world-tour DJ, yes, really) said that he and Bran (played by Isaac Hempstead-Wright) wouldn’t appear in season 5 of the show. An interview with Hempstead-Wright that showed up later in the day featured the actor stating very plainly that he is indeed filming season 5. So what does this say? Quite simply, Hodor is not in season 5, and Bran is. I also would guess that since Bran’s “book content” has nearly been used up, they are instead going to either a) create filler content featuring only Bran or b) used Bran as a vehicle to display flashbacks, giving show viewers a taste of the complex backstory Game of Thrones has. And I really hope it’s the latter. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, HBO
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 3, 2014 in Star Wars

That is one of the best headlines I’ve ever written. Yes, Miltos Yerolemou, an expert swordsman and the man who played Syrio Forel (Arya’s swordplay mentor) in Game of Thrones, has been cast in Star Wars: Episode VII. It seems he’ll be playing a small part, but you don’t hire an actor who also happens to be a master swordsman, and then not give him a sword (or least least some long, pointy weapon)! We don’t know how recently he was cast, so it’s hard to tell what his (small-ish) part will be, but I’m sure he’ll be great nonetheless. So, is JJ Abrams a bigger fan of Game of Thrones than previously though? Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 1, 2014 in Television

Every year when Emmy season comes around, the VFX studios drop their behind-the-scenes videos to show their expertise at creating the special effects that enhance the shows we love. Rodeo FX has posted their effects video from Game of Thrones season 4, and it is always neat to see how everything is done. And yes, there are some spoilers for the season, so beware when watching! I’m a little disappointed in the very small amount of dragons, though. Perhaps next season we’ll get some more dragons? I’ve embedded the full video below. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 27, 2014 in Television

It’s time for casting again as Game of Thrones circles around for its fifth season. The cast list is ever-growing: Alexander Siddig will play Doran Martell, DeOBia Oparei will play Areo Hotah, the High Sparrow will be played by Jonathan Pryce, and for the Sand Snakes Nymeria, Tyene, and Obara: Jessica Henwick, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, and Keisha Castle-Hughes (respectively). I’ve included the rest below, but you might notice something: there are plenty more characters introduced in this segment of the story! Are they being cut entirely (more and more likely), or have they not finished the casting yet? Also included below: a blooper video from season 4! Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 27, 2014 in Fandom

Spoiler-sensitive readers beware! George R.R. Martin has been teasing The Winds of Winter, the next book in the popular Song of Ice and Fire series (aka Game of Thrones) in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly. If you’re not caught up, don’t look at this next quote: “We have more deaths, and we have more betrayals. We have more marriages.” He also confirms what many fans long knew, that two large battles would be opening the book (one in the North and one in Mereen). He also touches on Dany and Tyrion meeting (“Well, Tyrion and Dany will intersect, in a way, but for much of the book they’re still apart”), and also that the Dothraki would be returning “in a big way.” There’re a few more details at EW, but those are the biggest tidbits. When’s the book coming out, you ask? Words are wind, my friend. Sometime. Someday. Read more…
Tags: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin, The Winds of Winter
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 7, 2014 in Television

Yup: no one can stop the Game of Thrones train. The fantasy series has beaten the previous record-holder at HBO, The Sopranos, to become the company’s most popular show ever averaging a gross audience of 18.4 million viewers. That’s a lot of fans. The previous record was 18.2 million, by HBO’s iconic Sopranos, but it seems that dragons, swords, and magic were able to win more people over than a classic crime drama. And that’s saying something, I think! Just don’t expect anyone to make it out alive of this next season, you know? Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, HBO
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 23, 2014 in Fandom

A lot of us probably remember being inundated with edutainment commercials in the 90s. It seemed like parents were always being sold something to teach their kids something new, and Muzzy was a big one. The cartoon character was used to teach languages, and while I never actually saw any Muzzy tapes, I did see plenty of commercials. Nacho Punch put together a cute little video that features Muzzy… err… Khal Drogo teaching kids how to speak Dothraki. They even have a Hodor version! Man, they think of everything. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 14, 2014 in Television

HBO has been ramping up for the April 6th premiere of Game of Thrones season 4, and what better way to excite people than to remind them of all the tragedy so far?! Yes, they’ve released their season 3 recap, which covers almost everything that happened last year (and has some actor interviews as well), including the infamous Red Wedding. If you haven’t watched the show thus far, it might not make the most sense, and obviously I want to recommend that you watch it all anyway, but not everyone has time to watch 3 seasons of a TV show before April 6th. Either way, it’s a great refresher! Check it out below. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, HBO
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 11, 2014 in Television

Now that True Detective is finished, it’s time to start getting excited for the next big show: Game of Thrones, season four! After the tragedy and incredible breakdowns by fans last season, I can’t wait to see the reactions people have this time around. Granted, I’m sitting up on my “I read the books” platform, but it’s still incredibly enjoyable to watch it all play out. This latest trailer teases a bunch of big storylines, namely Dany’s ever-growing dragons and the new threats from Dorne. Avoid the internet if you don’t want anything spoiled, because this is going to be an intense season. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, HBO
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 23, 2013 in Videogames

We haven’t had too much luck with video games based off of the Game of Thrones series. The last one was pretty lackluster and didn’t really do anything interesting. However, our luck might be about to change: IGN is running that they’ve heard from multiple sources that Telltale Games (the makers of the famed Walking Dead games) have gotten the license to Game of Thrones. IGN admits that they’re not sure whether the license is for the books or the TV show, though, and having the rights to the HBO version would allow them to use the likenesses of the characters, presumably. However, it could also tell a story that avoids any characters from the books, too. There’s a lot of possibilities here, so I hope we hear something soon. Read more…
Tags: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, Telltale Games
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 18, 2013 in Fandom

The Bad Lip-Reading guys are at it again — and this time they’ve taken Game of Thrones, rearranged its scenes, and dubbed it over, turning it into a trailer for a fictional film in which Ned has to save a medieval fair. Yes, it’s as ridiculous as it sounds, and since they have to match the words to the character’s lips, sound really weird things are said (although they pan away enough to make things seem coherent). There’s also some pretty creative editing and added-in props in the world to make it seem like a renaissance fair. That extended fart joke at the end, though… that might’ve been unnecessary. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 12, 2013 in Animation, Television

Maybe this is an untapped market, or perhaps it’s just a way to lure parents into getting their kids to watch Nick Jr. A Game of Thrones-inspired commercial was made for the Nick Jr. show Ben & Holly, which features the iconic opening of the dark fantasy series set against the colorful world of a kid’s show. I don’t think kids will be getting the reference here (oh god, I hope they don’t get the reference here), mainly because a show filled with violence, sex, incest, and war typically doesn’t cross over with Nick Jr.’s crowd. Still, it’s a nice little nod to parents and I bet the show’s creators had fun making the ad as well. Watch the video below! Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, nickelodeon
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 31, 2013 in Television

Season 4 of Game of Thrones is shaping up to be very exciting, but it looks like some big changes are happening as well. Daario Naharis, originally played by Ed Skrein, will now have a different actor taking on the role: Michiel Huisman. No word on why Huisman is replacing Skrein, but as it becomes a more important part perhaps they wanted someone else to tackle the growing role. Also, replacing Ian Whyte as The Mountain will be Icelandic strongman Hafþór “Thor” Björnsson, and replacing Callum Wharry as Prince Tommen will be Dean-Charles Chapman. Quite a lot of toss-ups, but it’ll be exciting to see everything fall into place! Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 23, 2013 in Television

Season three of Game of Thrones had some really impressive digital visual effects work — especially given that it’s a TV show. From the gorgeous vistas to the masses of armies clashing, I was impressed by what they pulled off. SpinVFX has posted a video showing the steps taken behind the effects. It seems they were most proud of their effects for the Wall, as they built a 700 foot wall that was a couple miles length. Now that’s impressive! No wonder that scene came off so well. Obviously, there are many spoilers in these clips (although they avoid anything major) but you probably should see season 3 first to appreciate much of these effects. Check out the video below. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones