Square Enix PR and the Law of Inverse Importance

Posted by Gia Manry on May 23, 2010 in Videogames


The Law of Inverse Importance states thus: the more splashy Square Enix gets about a game announcement, the less exciting the actual game is.

Example: When a new Final Fantasy comes out, all its official site might have is a simple logo to start. But Square Enix’s latest game was announced via a teaser site with Yahoo!, promising a game that would “make history” in Japan and was left up for some time, encouraging visitors to Tweet about it and garnering attention. Viewers wondered: could it be a Dragon Quest MMO? A Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy crossover? What could this history-making game BE? Read more…

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Download Portal Free of Charge For a Limited Time via Steam

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 18, 2010 in Videogames


Have you spent the last few years wondering what the big deal was about Portal, but didn’t want to spend your hard-earned cash?  Perhaps you just own a Mac, and haven’t been able to join in on the fun. Well, for a limited time, none of that shouldn’t be an issue. In order to celebrate the recent release of Portal for the Mac, Valve has made both the PC and Mac versions of the game available as a free download via Steam. What’s the catch? Well, there is none really. You’ll need a free Steam account, and the offer only runs through May 24th, but that’s about it. Read more…

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Street Fighter Fan Film Puts Hollywood to Shame

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 11, 2010 in Fandom, Videogames

How is it that fan films have gotten to be so good? I’m at a loss as to how this trend came about, but I’m not about to complain. Street Fighter: Legacy by Streetlight Films, is one such project. After years of witnessing Hollywood butcher my favorite games, its really refreshing to see fans take matters into their own hands. While it’s not quite feature length, the production is top notch and really worth your time. Read more…

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The Super Mario Kart Soundtrack Has Never Sounded So Good

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 5, 2010 in Videogames

The OneUps Super Mario Kart Album Cover

Like some of you, I spent a good portion of the early 90’s trying to master Rainbow Road with Mario, Luigi and the gang. I spent most of that time falling off the track and starting over, but that really keep me coming back for more. Its nostalgic for me, but what I remember most about Super Mario Kart was how much I loved the music. I always imagined what it’d sound like performed live, and now it seems like I finally got my wish. Read more…

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Put the Doom Back in Doom 3 With This Classic Mod

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 22, 2010 in Horror, Videogames

Of all the PC games I played in the 90s, very few stand out in my mind as having revolutionized their genres, but Doom easily makes that list. I have fond memories of wading through level after level of demons and beasts with little more than an arsenal of guns, and strategically placed health packs. I still find myself playing the occasional first person shooter, but few games really capture the magic I experienced that first time, and thanks to the Doom 3 mod community, I finally have a chance to relive those fond memories. Read more…

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Warning: Videogamers Are NOT Addicts

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 3, 2008 in Videogames

Angry German Kid

The good news is that psychiatrists are now claiming that videogamers aren’t addicts, but the bad news is that they’re seeing our fellow fanboys as a “social problem” and are using the age old cliché of laying the blame on society and parents: Read more…



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