Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 14, 2013 in
Star Wars

Japanese candy and snack maker Glico is popular for their various treats, but mostly for Pocky, their most famous snack. And finally, after all these years, someone in their marketing department has stumbled upon the realization that a Pocky stick looks kind of like a lightsaber. Thus, one of the most clever cross-brand opportunities to ever exist came to fruition. While these are a Japanese candy, there are many places online you can buy and have them shipped over. You know, for science. Or maybe just your sweet tooth. Read more…
Tags: Candy, Food, Pocky
Posted by Bob Muir on May 23, 2013 in

Sailor…Moon…in the coffee! If a barista is talented enough, they can make some intricate designs in your morning latte. One Japanese latte artist is using toothpicks, chocolate syrup and cocktail syrup to draw anime characters in coffee. Going by the name Sugi on Twitter, the artist hand-draws two or three cups a day. She only started working on latte art last April, but she has already done over 800 cups! Read more…
Tags: Food, Sailor Moon
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 16, 2011 in

Last month Atlus had surprise hit on their hands when Catherine set a company record by selling over 200,000 copies within the first week. Personally, I found the game to be both entertaining and insightful despite relying on its sexy visuals to market itself. The script is often hilarious and the voice acting has that Atlus-polish we’ve become so accustomed to. Between the increasingly complex puzzles and “choose your own adventure”-esque interludes, I felt it offered a bit more than just lip-service. Puzzles and sex aside though, the game just wouldn’t be the same without some alcohol in the mix. Recently, a Cathrine-themed bar opened in Japan offering cocktails inspired by the characters you encounter throughout the game. While they didn’t offer the exact measurements, you can try to concoct some of these delicious drinks on your own with the ingredients listed below. Frankly, I can’t wait to try some myself, but something tells me they’ll be difficult to perfect. Anyone brave enough to try?
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Tags: Atlus, Food
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 14, 2011 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Trek

Feast your eyes on the coolest cookie jar since the talking TARDIS. He might not transfer your cookies through time and space, but why would you ever need to when it’s perfectly logical to keep them in one place. ThinkGeek knows this, and that’s why they’ve given us this officially licensed Star Trek Mr.Spock cookie jar. Bearing the likeness of everyone’s favorite Vulcan — a tad more Nimoy than Quinto — this nifty ceramic bust is perfect for stashing your baked goods. Personally, I love it but I think I’d rather have one that looks like the late Jimmy Doohan — now, that man sure looked like he enjoyed a good cookie or two. Nevertheless, it’s a pretty sweet collectible to have laying around your office or kitchen. If you’re curious, the jar retails for only $49.99. Order yours today.
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Tags: Food, Spock, ThinkGeek
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 24, 2011 in
Star Wars

This Star Wars-themed Wampa pound cake was recently designed by Star Wars fan & professional illustrator Alica Policia for her 30th birthday. Pretty amazing, right? Made with her mother’s classic sour cream pound cake recipe and featuring some fantastic buttercream icing, one might wonder why she didn’t bother going all the way by adding a layer of ice cream. After all, Hoth has plenty of ice — you’d think it’d be a necessity.
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Tags: Food, The Empire Strikes Back
Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 9, 2010 in

Only children are supposed to be able to see Totoro, Miyazaki’s friendly furry forest spirit, but it looks like exceptions are made when he’s crafted of fondant. Carolyn Lengel made these adorable cupcakes with her daughter Harriet to celebrate Harriet’s 11th birthday. Seeing all eleven together will likely make you use the word “cute” several hundred times, and you might even want one for yourself, but alas — you can’t have your Totoros and eat them too. Read more…
Tags: Anime, Food, Hayao Miyazaki, Totoro